Coaching  &  coach education

for personal leadership

Welcome to SNOECK Coaching

SNOECK Coaching stands for a premium coaching service. Professionalism and service quality is what we pursue. Continuous learning and development is not only the key to providing effective solutions for our clients and partners but also for us to stay sharp and remain inspired.

SNOECK Coaching is the coaching practice of Annemarie Snoeck, certified at the highest ICF level as a Master Certified Coach (MCC), and a trauma informed coach, with the 3-year education Somatic Experiencing (dr. Peter Levine). In her coaching she integrates the tools, knowledge and somatic wisdom, when stress and trauma are involved.

As an ICF Coach and Trainer I educate and support individuals and leaders to become more of who they are, to have more impact and to be more inspired in life.

At the OakTreeMe-Academy I am part of the trainer faculty in the ICF Transformational Executive Coach Certification (TECC) program. We educate leaders and coaches and combine ICF coaching skills, the MMS-method of Cherie Carter-Scott, with a lot of experiential learning and personal development.

As ICF Mentor Coach and Team Coach, I collaborate with various other coaching companies and professionals. This allows me to best meet the needs and quality expectations of my customers. See partners

Individual and leadership coaching

I coach individuals who are willing to open up and grow. My coaching supports private individuals as well as businesses. I support people to really confront their challenges, in order to grow and become more effective and reach their desires and goals.

Sample topics:

  • Lack of motivation, stress and burn-out
  • Life’s purpose and meaning
  • Assertiveness and insecurity
  • Leadership
  • Communication and interaction

My way of working for individual coaching sessions
The coaching sessions normally last 1 to 1.5 hours and take place face-to-face in a quiet, familiar environment, or online. We start each session by establishing the relevant objective at hand, after which we focus on achieving the desired outcome. Between the sessions, I can be reached and provide coaching support. Together, we partner in defining effective tasks that keep the process on track.

Intake session
As a first step, we can have an intake session by phone or online to get to know each other, and to see what you are looking for. This first session is optional. During this short session, we discuss your coaching purpose and conditions and see if there is a fit. Finally, we agree on the number and duration of the sessions, the location, and costs.

Coaching skills and leadership development                          If you want to develop yourself and your leadership, the Transformation Executive Coach Certification (TECC) program is an exquisite education to do. The program is worldwide accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and is built on the 50-year coach experience of the MMS institute by Cherie Carter-Scott. Oak Tree Me is licensed for this MMS Advanced Coach Training in Europe. A truly transformational program that is inspiring and impactful for everyone involved.


Master Certified Coach (MCC)

“I contribute to the process for people to ‘come home’ to themselves”

My perspective
As a professional coach I contribute to the process for people to ‘come home’; to themselves, to their family and in their team or organization. Finding a meaningful place again, discovering a life purpose, working with inspiration, getting up with joy every day. In doing so, I support my clients to really face challenges and to grow as a person.

I am an advocate of the pure coaching profession because it brings so much more effectiveness rather than just asking some questions. Pure coaching is the power source to so much clarity! That is what I want to bring to people and organizations.

My added value
As a solid coach for individuals and teams, I work from a variety of perspectives, whereby leadership, resilience, energy, and interpersonal communication are key elements.

My signature is the reliable, steady basis from which I work: I am and remain available for the people that I coach. And coaching is and will always remain tailor-made. As a coach, I combine depth and lightness, reason and feeling, intuition and physical sensations. In advance you never know the path to awareness, insights, and your own solutions. The journey of discovery we embark on together unfolds in a unique way, with the client at the steering wheel. In coaching we call this partnering, the client always chooses his or her own way, because personally owned solutions are most motivating and bring transformation.

My background
Since 1996, I have been working as an independent coach. I am always committed to provide high-quality services for my clients and customers. I have gained extensive experience as an entrepreneur with a large network. Everything about my education and work experiences can be found on my LinkedIn profile.

The ICF certifications and code of ethics are a solid and deepening foundation and an enriching source of inspiration. I am certified as a Master Coach (MCC), the highest level of certification with the ICF.

Also, I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (3-year trauma therapy training by Dr. Peter Levine). An education that allows me to treat stress, tension, and somatic complaints. I integrate this method into my coaching where appropriate.

Intrigued, in search of a coach or mentor, or interested in learning how to coach? Just let me know and send me a mail on my contact page!

On my LinkedIn profile you can read more about my background, education, customers and diverse experience.


For information and tailor-made solutions in coaching, just contact me!